In the hierarchy of risk mitigation PPE is the last resort when a risk cannot be removed or mitigated by other measures. This means that the PPE we at Compass UK & Ireland provide to our teams must be fit for purpose, which not only means providing the correct levels of protection, but is also practicable and comfortable, so that colleagues can carry out their tasks safely. This new PPE catalogue builds on the work we carried out ahead on the previous version, introducing new lines which we hope will achieve that dual aim of protection and comfort. This is an ever evolving topic, so if you have feedback, that would be welcomed as would any items you think are missing from it.

Pressure Systems
This policy has been created for the protection of those persons whose employment involves them using or carrying out work on pressure systems and equipment controlled by Compass Group and any person likely to be affected by the activities of Compass Group employees.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Compass Group Control of Legionella in Water Systems Policy, Refrigerant Gas Operational Policy, and Ventilation Systems Operational Policy.