Control of Legionellosis Policy
To enable Compass Group UK & Ireland to identify and manage the risks associated with Legionella in the workplace.
To find out more, open or download the full Guidance here.
Additional Information/Templates
Download an example of a suitable letter template that you can use to send to your Client obtain information about the management of Legionella.
Examination of Lifts Policy
To enable Compass Group UK & Ireland to identify and manage the risks associated with the operation of lifts in the workplace.
To find out more, open or download the full Guidance here.
Additional Information/Templates
Download an example of a suitable letter template that you can use to send to your Client obtain information about the management of lift safety.
Thorough examinations of lifts are carried out by Compass nominated partner CRIMSON - ZURICH. To arrange for a thorough testing of your lifts to be carried out, please email the following details:
- the items to be tested
- their serial numbers and manufacturer
- unit/site location
- contact details.
Upon receipt of all required information and initial registration, the Zurich engineer will make contact and organise tests accordingly. Following initial request thereafter registered units will be able to contact directly for further testing requirements.
If you need advice as to whether your lift requires thorough examination, speak to your sector HSE Manager.
External Guidance
Health & Safety Executive guidance documents:
Thorough Examination and Testing of Lifts A Simple Guide for lift owners
Thorough Examination and Testing of Lifts: A Simple Guide for Employers
Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Safety Policy
This policy has been created for the protection of those persons whose employment involves them using, controlling, or maintaining Lifting Equipment or carrying out Lifting Activities on sites controlled by Compass Group and any person likely to be affected by the activities of Compass Group employees.

Lone Working Policy
To enable Compass Group UK & Ireland to manage the risks associated with lone working.
To find out more, open or download the full Guidance here.
Additional Information
Go to Workplace Safety Management Systems where you can download the Lone Working Risk Assessment (which includes a Loneworkers Workplace Checklist).
External Guidance
Health & Safety Executive Guidance Documents: Working alone - Health and safety guidance on the risks of lone working.