February See Care Share Monthly Update
In the February edition of the See Care Share Update we have an update on the mandatory HSE Training including some new courses that must be completed and will ensure all of our team members have the knowledge and competencies to keep everyone safe.
We are focusing on hot beverage service this month, both from an allergen perspective and a safety perspective. We have a new process in place for the service of hot beverages where milk or milk alternatives are used, and this must be communicated to your teams using the new Food Safety Conversation below. This will ensure we are managing allergens and our customers are not put at risk. We also have an updated customer facing poster to ensure lids are put on hot drinks when being transported around our units. Please ensure all team members involved in hot beverage service are trained and the below training record card is signed off as required.
Our take home safety this month links into Time to Talk Day, which is on 6th February 2025, where we are encouraging people to open up and talk honestly about mental health, there are links to the Time to Talk website and a QR Code to access the You Matter materials, please share this with family, friends and loved ones. Talking more about mental health and removing the stigma could save lives.
Click on the links below to access the materials;
See Care Share Update – February 2025
Food Safety Conversation – Allergen Awareness Milk and Milk Alternatives